Local Developments Timeline


March 2000

Barnet Council publish a planning brief for the New Barnet gasworks site.



ASDA buy gasworks site from Transco.



Rumours circulate locally about ASDA's plans for the gasworks site.


25th May 2007

Barnet Council receive a planning application to rebuild East Barnet School on the Chestnut Grove site.

25th May 2007

Barnet Council receive a planning application to build JCoSS on East Barnet School's Westbrook Crescent site.

4th July 2007

Barnet Council's Planning Committee approve an application to rebuild East Barnet School on the Chestnut Grove site.

8th August 2007

Barnet Council's Planning Committee approve an application to build JCoSS on East Barnet School's Westbrook Crescent site.

5th October 2007

Barnet Council receive a planning application for a Tesco Express at 7-11 Victoria Road.

30th November 2007

Barnet Council refuse the planning application for a Tesco Express at 7-11 Victoria Road.


January 2008

Plans to rebuild East Barnet School on the Chestnut Grove site are put on hold by Barnet Council due to fear of a budget overrun.

23rd January 2008

New Barnet residents receive a hand delivered letter from Tesco informing them of plans for a 'mixed use development' north of East Barnet Road.

30th January 2008

Barnet Council receive a second planning application for a Tesco Express at 7-11 Victoria Road.

31st January - 2nd February 2008

Tesco hold a public exhibition at LA Fitness in East Barnet Road.

10th February - 5th March 2008

Sainsburys New Barnet store is closed for refurbishment. A temporary convenience store operates in their car park during the closure.

3rd April 2008

Public Meeting at St James' Church, East Barnet Road, is attended by a very large number of local residents and representatives from Tesco, Barnet Council, Councillors, London Assembly candidates and the MP. ASDA declined their invitation to attend.

This website holds a report, audio and video clips, plus there was coverage in the local newspapers the following week.

29th April 2008

Barnet Council receive a planning application for revised (cheaper) plans to rebuild East Barnet School on the Chestnut Grove site.

May 2008

Tesco hold 'workshop' consultation sessions with local residents and organisations.

A completely unofficial sketch map [433K pdf] of Tesco's site plan based on information gathered at their 'workshop' consultation sessions. A second unofficial sketch map just shows the outline of the regeneration site [416k pdf]. Note: Some of these details may now be out of date

Late May 2008

Demolition work starts on the former call centre building on the gasworks site.

5th to 7th June 2008

Tesco hold a three day public exhibition of their plans at the Optex Building in Victoria Road.

6th to 7th June 2008

ASDA hold a two day public exhibition of their plans at the Salvation Army Centre in Albert Road. This is the first time local residents have any direct contact with ASDA and find out their intentions for the site.

11th June 2008

Barnet Council's Planning Committee approve the revised application to rebuild East Barnet School on the Chestnut Grove site.

13th to 14th June 2008

ASDA hold a second two days of public exhibition due to poor advance publicity of the first weekend's dates.

30th June 2008

Tesco applies for an 'ES Scoping Opinion'. The council planning department is due to respond by 4th August 2008.

2nd July 2008

'Save New Barnet Campaign' launched.

19th July 2008

Our Community Consultation event is held at the New Barnet Community Centre, Victoria Road.

Mid August 2008

Demolition of the former call centre building on the gasworks site is completed.

11th August 2008

Phase 1 of construction of the new East Barnet School building starts at Chestnut Grove.

27 August 2008

ASDA announce that they have applied for planning permission for the gasworks site. (Barnet Council never register this application.)

October 2008

Three Valleys Water start 2 years of work on water main renewal in the New Barnet & East Barnet area.

13th October 2008

Tesco appeal to the Planning Inspectorate over the non-determination of their second planning application for a Tesco Express at 7-11 Victoria Road.

5th November 2008

Barnet Council receive a third planning application for a Tesco Express at 7-11 Victoria Road.

18th November 2008

Barnet Council's Chipping Barnet Planning Committee indicate that they would have refused the second planning application for a Tesco Express at 7-11 Victoria Road if it had been put before them in time. As it has already been sent to appeal for non-determination, a planning inspector will have the final say at a future hearing.

27th - 29th November 2008

Sixteen CCTV traffic survey cameras appear on the pavements of Victoria Road, Margaret Road and Park Road.

It is thought that these were connected with the planning application for a Tesco Express at 7-11 Victoria Road.


January 2009

Construction of JCoSS starts at Westbrook Crescent.

16th February 2009

Closure of public footpath between Baring Road and Hadley Common for eight months for JCoSS bridge construction work.

16th February 2009

Barnet Council register a new planning application from ASDA for the gasworks site.

17th - 18th March 2009

Planning inquiry for the second Tesco Express application takes place at Barnet House, Whetstone.

19th March 2008

Public Meeting at St James' Church, East Barnet Road, is attended by a large number of local residents and representatives from Barnet Council, Councillors, and the local MP. ASDA refused their invitation to attend to explain their plans and answer questions.

This website holds a report, audio and video clips.

1st April 2009

Barnet Council's public consultation on ASDA planning application closes.

7th April 2009

Planning inspector publishes his decision that planning permision should be granted to build a Tesco Express at 7-11 Victoria Road.

15th April 2009

ASDA distribute leaflets promoting their proposed development of the gasworks site. This is the first direct contact local residents have had from ASDA since June 2008.
(Public consultation on ASDA's planning application closed on 1st April 2009.)

28th May 2009

ASDA publish 4 page advert in the Barnet Times promoting their proposed development of the gasworks site.
(Public consultation on ASDA's planning application closed on 1st April 2009.)

30th June 2009

ASDA withdraw their planning application for the gasworks site, the day before it is due to be decided upon by Barnet Council's planning committee.

16th October 2009

Eight month closure of public footpath between Baring Road and Hadley Common for JCoSS bridge construction work due to end.


22nd February 2010

Barnet Council publish draft "New Barnet Town Centre Framework" and open public consultation.

27th February & 1st March 2010

Barnet Council hold public exhibition of "New Barnet Town Centre Framework" at St James' Church.

23rd March 2010

End of public consultation on Barnet Council's draft "New Barnet Town Centre Framework".

26th April 2010

Phase 1 of construction of the new East Barnet School building due to be completed at Chestnut Grove.

Phase 2 of construction of the new East Barnet School building due to start at Chestnut Grove.

31st August 2010

Construction of JCoSS due be completed at Westbrook Crescent.

1st September 2010

JCoSS due to open at Westbrook Crescent.

October 2010

Three Valleys Water due to complete 2 years of work on water main renewal in the New Barnet & East Barnet area.

8th November 2010

Phase 2 of construction the new East Barnet School building due to be completed at Chestnut Grove.